Our Services

Residential insulation

We insulate pretty much everything that has to do with your house. From Top to bottom, we make sure your house is well insulated for winter. Residential insulation is not only good for temperature, it also helps prevent building damage that can be caused by the formation of moisture inside of the house envelope. It is also very useful for reducing unwanted heating or cooling energy input.

Attic insulation

When you want to insulate your attic, blown-in insulation is the most common choice as it offers a thorough and efficient application that can get into every little corners and cracks between floor joists. Even if not as common nowadays, batt insulation is sometimes used between floor joists to help insulate your house. Properly insulating your home can be really good for your wallet as it can help you reduce the cost of your energy bill as well as increase the lifespan of your HVAC system.

Blown insulation

This type of insulation is one of the greatest innovation in the field, offering excellent insulation properties, especially when used in attics. When choosing blown insulation, you will often be offered two choices. Blown fibreglass insulation, which is similar in nature to the pink batt insulation, but harder to install properly. The other option, blown cellulose insulation, is a more eco-friendly type of blown insulation with a higher R-value. It is to note that both need proper installation due to both options settling over time

Spray foam insulation

Insulating you house against the constant change of temperatures is an important step towards reducing energy costs and your carbon footprint and we can confirm that Spray Foam is THE state-of-the-art product that can help. This type of insulation is made of polyurethane and comes in two different types : Open and closed cell foam insulation. Open cell insulation is less expensive because there is less chemicals used, but while it is a really great air barrier, it isn’t a very efficient barrier for water vapor and for that reason we use Open cell insulation on interior walls where it can help insulate and offer a sound barrier. Closed cell insulation on the other hand is denser than open cell foam, making it better as a water vapor barrier. It is a strong insulator, air and water vapor barrier, making perfect to use on exterior walls and roofing insulation. It is to note that due to it’s air and water vapor properties, it is best to use this type of insulation in a well ventilated house, including air exchange to make sure you get fresh air into your house and getting stale, moist air out.

Soundproofing insulation

As much as insulation can be good to help make your home more comfortable, it can also be useful for those who enjoy the peacefulness of their home. With soundproofing insulation, you get to enjoy your home, without being disturbed by the outside noises. Not only will soundproofing reduce the noise transfer in your home, it can also increase property value if you ever want to sell your house. As an extra little tip, a soundproof grade drywall can help your soundproofing efforts and increase the efficiency of your insulation.

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